Dr. Kareem Ali requests that you carefully and thoroughly read these questions and answers before contacting the team. Thank you!

How do I book an urgent consultation?

Please book through this link

How do I book a regular non-urgent consultation?

Please book through this link

I do not have a Visa or Mastercard payment card

We apologize, for the time being, we do not have the ability to receive wire transfers. 

A friend of family member may be able to help by booking with their card. 

In which currency are the prices for books, brochures, and consultations on site?

As of 01.05.2020, everything on this site is in European Euro. One Euro is  roughly equivalent to: 

AED 4.1
Australian dollars 1.6
Bahraini Dinar 0.4
Canadian dollars 1.5
Swiss francs 1.1
Algerian dinars 132
Egyptian fairy 18
Pound sterling 0.9
Israeli shekels 4
Iraqi dinars 1319
Jordanian Dinar 0.8
Kuwaiti Dinar 0.3
Libyan dinars 1.6
Moroccan dirham 11.0
Omani Rial 0.4
Qatari Ryials 4.0
Saudi Riyal 4.1
Ls 570.0
Tunisian Dinar 3.1
American dollar 1.1
What is Dr. Karim's phone number?

If you would like to consult Dr. Karim, you are welcome, according to the rules, by orderly reserving a consultation through this link

The doctor was late and he did not call me on the appointment !!!

Please be patient and respectfully wait. 

If Dr. Karim is late to your appointment, be confident that he has an urgent case that prevents him from calling you on time

In Europe, in Switzerland, in Germany, France and Britain, it is very common for a patient to wait from one to two hours in the waiting room … and everyone sits politely and reads a book or magazine. 

If you cannot be patient waiting for Dr. Karim to call, please do not book a consultation. 

How do I prepare myself for counseling?
Prepare any recent tests and prepare them to send Dr. Karim (ONLY) while you are talking to him.

Prepare your questions before the appointment.
When presenting your case, be brief and concise as much as possible.

Remember that counseling is limited in time, and after your appointment, Dr. Karim has other appointments.

Where can I come to visit you in your office?

Dr Kareem is most of the time on the move between German, Switzerland and Romania. You are most welcome to book an appointment here